Heaven was at attention as millions of people around the world plugged in via satellite TV stations, terrestrial stations and the Internet to the December 31st New Year's Eve Service with the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome.
From the LoveWorld Convocation Arena, with one ministration after another, the cheers and festivities of the season have been spread with an onsite audience and participants around the world from the Global Christmas Eve Service with Pastor Chris.
The last Global Communion Service in the Year of Flourishing was one to remember, exceeding all expectations, as the BLW President, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, called saints around the world to blessing-consciousness in a month declared to be that of benedictions.
Beginning on Sunday, November 12th, thousands of ministers and BLW partners from every continent under Heaven began to arrive in Lagos, Nigeria, for a week of several conferences to equip them with new graces, gifts and visions.
Global Communion Services with the man of God, Pastor Chris, are highly anticipated watershed moments that bring a refreshing and an impartation for greater realms of glory for millions of participants around the world.
The Higher Life Conferences with Pastor Chris are a call to "higher thoughts, higher levels of operation, greater blessings, increased grace" in every part of the world where these Word-conferences are hosted, and the city of Benin in Edo State, Nigeria, is no different.
The man of God took millions of participants around the world in a triumphal parade through highlights of inspiring ReachOut programs with the Messenger Angel in Zimbabwe and Nigeria. Excerpts from the Higher Life Conference UK with Pastor Chris set a fire in our souls, delivering the same atmosphere of miracles to every congregation.
The first day of the Higher Life Conference UK with Pastor Chris was replete with Spirit-breathed music and arts presentations to the spiritual edification of its diverse congregants.
The September 2017 Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris was a time of Heavenly refreshing for many congregations that participated around the world in many different languages. Without a doubt, the month has been marked for an increased manifestation of the message of the year, 'the Year of Flourishing'!
With earnest and heartfelt prayers, the people lifted their hands and thanked the Lord for all he had in store for them at the service. The auditorium was filled with sweet sounds of praise and worship as they expressed their love for God.
The healing service kicked off with moments of intense prayer and intercession for the saints, as well as thanksgiving for the marvellous works that would be wrought by the hand of the Lord.
Congregations of hundreds and thousands connected to the much-anticipated August 2017 edition of the Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris. The service, which was beamed around the world from the LoveWorldUSA Studio, launched every participant into the direction of the Spirit for them in this month.
The Global Communion Service with the man of God, Pastor Chris, is a monthly assembly of the saints — BLW citizens and beneficiaries of our vision — throughout the world. The July 2017 month's edition, kicking off the second half of the year, was truly special. The phenomenal meeting was tranmitted in several languages to expectant congregations gathered around the world.
Cell leaders and cell executives filled up LoveWorld Convocation Arena to be positioned for increased flourishing. The faith of every delegate was tangible in the auditorium, full of expectations for the impact of God's Word through inspiring talkshows, stirring super sessions and highly anticipated plenary sessions with the BLW President, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome.
God's vision to take His divine presence to the people and nations of the earth is a pulsating drive for every event that comes out of the BLW Nation, particularly special assemblies like the Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris. Multitudes usually participate in tens of languages from every continent under Heaven in the monthly occurrence, and the June 2017 edition was not left out.
History was made on the 7th of May, as the man of God and BLW President, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, visited the nation of Zimbabwe for the first time, to worship and have communion with over 75,000 people at the National Sports Stadium in Harare. The program, which was a triumph of faith for members of the BLW Nation in that country, also impacted millions around the world via LIVE broadcast.
The much- anticipated Loveworld Festival of Music and Arts ( LFMA) 2017, commenced on Thursday April 27th at the Johannesburg Expo Centre, NASREC, South Africa. LFMA showcases the best of the best in Christian gospel artistry, entertainment, and much more which have been tailored to cater for the whole family, youths and kids alike.
The 2017 edition of the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris was simply phenomenal! Delegates from various countries arrived promptly; each full of anticipation for a new level in their lives.
It was a special day, divinely orchestrated by the Spirit of God to herald the miraculous. The Easter Sunday this year aptly coincided with the third healing service of the 2017 Healing School Autumn Session.
The 2017 edition of the International School of Ministry Ministers’ Network (ISMMN) Conference commenced on April 3rd. Delegates from all around the world were warmly received at a welcome banquet earlier in the day, and they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the agenda for Kingdom expansion this Year of Flourishing at the Connect Center.
Congregations in Every Continent Eagerly Anticipate Word of the Month
The April 2017 Global Communion Service with the BLW President, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, was yet another milestone in the triumphal ride that we know to be 'the Year of Flourishing'.
Many stirred by Haarsha's touching story of her miracle. She recieved this as Pastor Chris ministered at a healing service where she was privileged to be on the healing line
It was the day that the Lord had made, and many gladly rejoiced in it. The beauty of the Lord radiated from many faces as people from various nations converged for the first healing service of the 2017 Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Global Communion Service kicked off with several thousands plugged in around the world. "By the end of this month, tremendous [and beautiful] things would have happened in your life," Pastor Chris declared at the last Global Communion Service, resulting in astounding testimonies recorded in the outgone month throughout our great nation.
Ministers Begin to Receive Impartations of the Word and Spirit with Pastor Benny, thousands of ministers assemble in Ghana for two days of impartation with Pastor Benny Hinn.
Pastor Benny Hinn inspires lofty, glorious, expectations in delegates of this timely conference.
Brethren convene across timezones with excitement for the year's first Global Communion Service.
The much anticipated 'Pastor Chris LIVE at Benny Hinn Ministries' global telecast recently hosted from Pastor Benny's 'This is Your Day' studio in Los Angeles. Millions were opportuned to receive LIVE feeds as the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, ministered in the power of the Spirit.
The LoveWorld Convocation Arena was packed out with excited brethren, along with several viewing centers throughout the world, for the largest service taking place on the planet today — the New Year's Eve Service with Pastor Chris.
Dressed in festive colors of red, green and white, thousands made their way, filled with the joy of the season, into the LoveWorld Convocation Arena and venues around the world to join Pastor Chris for a memorable Christmas Eve Service. As the choir led the global congregation in carols, everyone was reminded of the Father's love that ....
The Partners’ Conference 2016 commenced on a glorious note as thousands of BLW partners from around the world assembled at the LoveWorld Convocation Arena. BLW Partners from around the world were welcomed with Captivating Music and Art Performances as warm colors and lights, an air of accomplishment, heralded the convergence of thousands of delegates at the grand opening of the Partners’ Conference.
The Miracle Healing and Impartation Services were 3 days of special Impartation, as the man Of God, Pastor Chris and Guest Minister Pastor Benny Hinn specially ministered in the word, and by the spirit at the Love World Convocation Arena, Lagos, Nigeria.
The Worship and Communion Service with Pastor Chris which held at the O2 Arena was a life changing event for all who participated live, in the O2 arena and the overflow venue of the meeting, and from satellite, internet streaming to regions across the globe.
Get a taste of the inspiring sessions with Pastor Chris, the unique experience of the bedrock of the Church, plus remarkable insight into the miracle moments and monuments of True Christianity at the 2nd Edition of the Holy Land Tour.
The Night of Bliss Ghana will remain an unforgettable event in history; and not just in the annals of the nation- Ghana, which was priviledged to recieve the unique personality, and also partake of the uncommon anointing on the man of God, Pastor Chris.
The Night of Bliss South Africa 2016 will remain an unforgettable event in the lives of everyone present. Johannesburg South Africa was once again privileged to receive the unique personality, and also partake of the uncommon anointing on the man of God, Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome, D.Sc., DD.