The greatest miracle is that of the salvation of a soul, when a man recieves the love that God gave in Christ Jesus, declaring his Lordship and recieving eternal life into his spirit. The crowning glory of the Night of Bliss with Pastor Chris in Johannesburg South Africa; was the large numbers that received salvation following the altar call by the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
All over the main arena and the overflow sections, thousands gladly prayed alongside Pastor Chris, declaring their faith in Chtist Jesus, recieving from him the newness of life. They were awakened them to the communion of the Spirit and to the Fatherhood of God.
And to think that each one that recieved the life of God in that special moment, also got a free copy of the Rhapsody of Realities Devotional Study Bible, special Gift Cards with encoded messages from the Pastor Chris Digital Library, Kingschat Mobile Application, Now that you are born again book, and several other materials to help start them off on their Christian walk. It was indeed a Night of Bliss!