As the word came forth with power, the time soon came, during that night, to distribute diverse miracles for the thousands of expectant congregants. The Man of God, under a special anointing began to pray for the sick and just as had been the expectation of all present, miracles broke forth everywhere!
Releasing the healing unction, Pastor Chris instructed all who required a healing miracle to place their hands on their bodies where they desired a miracle, as an act of their faith. The Man of God boldly commanded in the Name of the Lord Jesus, telling the spirits responsible for the blindness, lameness, dumbness and every manner of sickness and disease, to leave the bodies of those affected. He instructed all to receive the miracle they desired and declared them free in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
giving thanks to God for his love and bowels of mercy. For by the outstretched arm of his power, so many had been healed, many gloriously delivered and many more made completely whole. Glory to God!
And all night long, the healing lines filled out with hundreds, and scores of testimonies were shared of how the blind had recieved their sight, the crippled had arisen and begun to walk, and the deaf-mutes had tasted of God’s healing power. Many confined to wheel chairs, and cases given up by medical science had experienced a miraculous turn around. What a phenomenal night of miracles it had been. Glory to God!