About Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional

message of life! Oftentimes, referred to as the “Messenger Angel,” the devotional is a life guide designed to enhance your spiritual growth and development by bringing you a fresh perspective from God’s Word every day in over 7858 known languages of the world. With features like the day’s topic, a theme scripture, the day’s message, the daily confession and the Bible reading plan segment, it brings the richness of God’s Word into the lives of millions on a daily basis.

Not only is Rhapsody of Realities a study guide, it’s also a foremost evangelical tool that has been adopted by individuals, churches, and organizations around the world for effective soul winning. Through the devotional, the Lord has opened up the nations to the Gospel, with millions receiving salvation upon contact with its divine message.

Rhapsody of Realities, like a raging inferno, has permeated the nations since its inception in 2001, breaking through every form of geographical and linguistic constraint to become the most widely distributed and most translated book in the world! Its increasing impact around the world is possible because it rides on the vehicle of partnership with over 21 million people in different nations, whose strong determination is to transform their world with the power of the Gospel.

Today's Rhapsody of Realities



And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Matthew 24:4-5).

Jesus issued a poignant warning against deception, forewarning us of the cunning strategies that Satan would employ, particularly in the last days. It’s the same deceptive tactics he utilised in the beginning at the garden of Eden.

In Genesis 3:1-5, the Bible tells us how the serpent cunningly questioned Eve about God's instruction not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve explained the command, but the serpent deceived her, suggesting that eating the fruit would make her wise like God to discern both good and evil.

The serpent insidiously twisted God's instruction, leading Eve to question its validity. Essentially, Satan accused God of deception, insinuating that He was withholding something beneficial from Adam and Eve: “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).

When confronted by God, Eve acknowledged that she had been deceived by the serpent. However, by then, the damage had been done. The repercussions of her deception led to their expulsion from the garden, marking the beginning of humanity's struggle with sin and deception.

This tactic of deception, casting doubt on God's truthfulness and goodness continues to be employed today  and will be used at the end of the age. In Revelation 12, the serpent is identified as the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.

But the time in which he’ll successfully deceive the world is after the rapture of the Church, particularly during the second half of the Tribulation period. Until then, his attempts to deceive and mislead will not be very successful, because of the work of the Church, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Truth.

Remain vigilant. Stay in the Word, as that’s the only way to discern truth from falsehood amidst the myriad of deceitful schemes orchestrated by the adversary. Stand firm on God’s truth and you’ll guard against the subtle deceptions that seek to ensnare, while preaching the truth of Christ to all the world. Amen.


Dear Father, I’m alert, full of discernment to recognise the deceitful schemes of the enemy. I stand firm on your truth, and guard my heart and mind against deception. Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and I’m yielded to it, as it guides me continually in the path of life, never swayed, but steadfast and immoveable to produce works and fruits of righteousness, in Jesus' Name. Amen.