

Origin, Purpose and Future

Origin, Purpose and Future

There are so many people in the world today living like vagabonds, going through life without an anchor, a purpose for living or a sense of direction but when you come into Christ, you become a child of God and a member of His body. To function excellently and enjoy all the benefits of this divine kingdom, you must know your Origin, understand your Purpose and live in preparation of your glorious future in Christ.

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The Church Yesterday, Today and Forever

The Church Yesterday, Today and Forever

Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). This classic teaching focuses on the growth and metamorphoses of the church. The revelations and illustrations herein are divinely designed to enrich your knowledge of the Spirit’s out-breathings for the church. Get an understanding of the glorious transition of the Church yesterday, today and forever.

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