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Welcome to the Month of Conquerors, Pastor Chris Heralds at Global Service

Welcome to the Month of Conquerors, Pastor Chris Heralds at Global Service

"God is saying where are my conquerors and victors? Stand up and make your voice heard " — Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Palpable joy erupted across the globe at the pronouncement of the new month of September as the Month of Conquerors by the man of God, Reverend Dr. Chris Oyakhilome DSc., DSc., DD at the September Global Communion service that was held on the first day of the month. "This month, we're standing up and declaring the victory of Christ over all satanic forces, subduing and taming them," he posited as he expounded the Word of the Month. The man of God, reiterated to the global congregation that the blessings of the foregoing month is to be carried into the next as he ministered. Reading from 1 John 5:4, he highlighted that God's people will never be overcome irrespective of several attempts over the years. Also reading from Psalm 82:5-7 and other scriptures, Pastor Chris taught that God needs his people to provide solutions in a world whose foundation is out of course. "Have you seen cruelty in your city or nation?," he posed. "You can't be quiet, God is saying where are my conquerors and victors? " Stand up and make your voice heard in Heaven and on earth" he remarked, urging the saints to speak for God, for liberty and for all that is right. Pastor Chris sounded a clarion call to the saints to take authority in the matchless name of Jesus against oppression in their respective nations. Congratulations to all LoveWorld citizens and welcome to September, 'the Month of Conquerors’. .


  • Lizzie Sherrill

    Thank you man of God, for your ministry, love the word of the Lord. you so far, but the word brings you so near, make my heart glad.

  • Blwsongs

    Thank you sir

  • N D Ankiambom


  • Michael Muyambo

    God bless Rev (Dr) Chris Oyakhilome PhD. Amen

  • Stanley Ohinke

    The email address Is not correct. How can someone participate in the relief fund for ministers

  • ndiwalana florence

    wow Amen

  • Bro John O Charles

    Am soo grateful to God. Thank you Sir.

  • israel john

    thanks dady love u

  • Gitonga

    Blessed man of God UA blessing to me

  • Michael

    Wow l like that

  • Emmanuel Sunday

    Wow its amazing

  • King Udoh.

    I have the light of God in me and i so shine ever so brightly.

  • Jessica Ujunwa Ochia

    God is great



  • Dennis

    Glory Be To God

  • Gladys Obi

    Hallelujah!!!!! I am next in line for a miracle in Jesus Name. Amen

  • ukpong kingsley

    thank god

  • Bro. Isaac Onyema


  • Ruy Charles

    Preciso de Oração

  • Afolabi Anigilaje

    Awesome! Some fellowship this is..!

  • Dcn Sesi

    Glory to God

  • Sonny Zaluchu

    After ISM 2018 at Johannesburg, my life and ministry....never same again Acceleration in the works of Spirit. Thank you Man of God...I love you from Indonesia

  • Eddie


  • Wisdom odemena Washington

    Thank you pastor Sir, I love you dearly Sir.

  • Martins

    He is a TEACHER.

  • michael dropuljic

    A Spirit power life built on the scriptures. Words of life and Power. Greater, greater than our enemies and all their poison. Greater than all their gang stalking, abuse, surveillance- control freaks. Control freaks who want to drag you down with them, to their level. God is the only God higher, greater full of power and whose ways are a wonder. "the Lord is above all gods for the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them" "though i walk through the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me" "greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" "Whatsoever is Born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith". Building up faith is awesome! haha it overcomes the world! Building with scriptures that say Victory! Triumph! Conquer! uPower! Glory! Thats a sure place to dwell!.A fortress!

  • kingsley ukpong

    Benin City zone 1 god has good things for every one

  • Kaddu mark

    I love this dear man of God

  • Agboola Abidemi Shadrack

    I will be there


    A massive congratulations to all FALA Award recipients and to the Star Winner, Naomi and I am confident that this greater is not limited to Youths below 40 alone. I am so much convinced there is a pressing need to rise of the task even at 40+ age is not and will never be a barrier for me. There are lots to do rather than complaints, criticism and castigation. To all the Loveworld Family, you are real a good an example to the Body of Christ and the whole wide world , it will always be from Glory to Glory in Jesus. Thank YOU for Re branding Africa by giving it a new name, no longer a Doom but GREEN ! I LOVE and CELEBRATE YOU SIR, MAN OF GOD: PASTOR CHRIS. My 7and 4years old son and daughter can wait to meet with you one day.

  • elton

    I love you so much Pastor Thank you so much for being my great father Pastor life Coach and my everything

  • Julius

    Epic & Very Inspirational to the whole body of Christ. We applaud you our 2 Mighty Generals of God Ps Chris & Benny Hinn We See the prayer the Lord Prayed over 2 millennia ago fulfilled in our eyes "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” "

  • Apostle Sandra Ross

    It is so wonderful to see two men of God working together and fellowshipping see the Kingdom of God fulfilled.

  • Fountain

    Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is indeed a man really send by God. hear ye him! I am forever grateful to God for him Blessed be God forever!

  • brother Djeny

    It is so inspiring to see these two great Generals of God together. This is really the Book of Acts still continuing

  • David King

    Its from glory to glory!

  • Kola Crown

    What an amazing experience!

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