April Global Communion service with Pastor Chris

BLW President Declared April 2018 'the Month of Influence’.

“This month, you will be a vent for the wisdom of God,” Pastor Chris said, by prophetic insight.

By divine ordinance, the April 2018 Global Communion Service coincided with the day set aside throughout the world to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at Easter- Sundy the 1st of April 2018. From the Christ Embassy Randburg 2 auditorium, the special service, filled with prayers, worship and the Word was beamed throughout the world via satellite television and the Internet.

After members of the body of Christ in various continents kicked the month of with communion, the BLW President announced the prophetic word for April 2018, calling it 'the Month of Influence'!

"We will only be influenced by the Holy Spirit and the Word of the Lord, but each one of us will be an influencer," Pastor Chris began to say in a strong prophetic ministration concerning everyone present. The man of God continued, saying "the wisdom of God’s Spirit is going to be made manifest in your life everywhere you go...you will be a vent for the wisdom of God."

Concerning the month of April, the man of God reveled that, "God is going to use you...to change lives, to alter destinies, to do remarkable things; you will be an influencer for God."

"We will only be influenced by the Holy Spirit and the Word of the Lord, but each one of us will be an influencer," Pastor Chris began to say in a strong prophetic ministration concerning everyone present.

“Christ is our passover,” the BLW President reminded congregation, highlighting true meaning of ‘Easter’, which coincided with the April 2018 Global Communion Service

Congregants in thousands of viewing centers and homes embraced deep revelations of the Word, as Pastor Chris reviewed the meaning of Easter with esteemed guests during the April 2018 Global Service.

The esteemed Zonal Director of Southern Africa Zone 1, Pastor Freedom Wealth-Eriya, took the global congregation in prayers of thanksgiving for the previous month of March- a glorious 'Month of Dominion' and the numerous opportunities availed the church to lead many to Christ. Moments of worship led by LMAM artistes took the brethren into a glorious height of expectations in the spirit.

Upon taking the stage, the man of God, Pastor Chris, began to answer the question: "should Christians celebrate Easter?" Distinguishing between two passovers described in scripture — the passover of the Jews and the passover of the Christian. Pastor Chris explained that, though Easter may have started as a pagan holiday, the collective decision of the Church to take the Jewish passover season as a time to commemorate our passover in Christ, is honored of God.

It was an extraordinary time being the first day in the month of April and also the beginning of a new quarter.