The Night of Bliss South Africa 2016 will remain an unforgettable event in the lives of everyone present. Johannesburg South Africa was once again privileged to receive the unique personality, and also partake of the uncommon anointing on the man of God, Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome, D.Sc., DD. This destiny-defining event, continues to transcend the boundaries of time to deliver the same anointing; the knowledge, understanding and blessings as were manifest at the meeting, to millions not opportuned to have participated live in the event.
Several Months, days, hours and moments before the great historical event, the ardent members of Christ Embassy across the Southern Hemisphere of the African Continent, made tenacious preparations; an undeniable evidence of their earnest expectation of the arrival of the Man of God to the FNB Stadium.
Being the appointed venue of the Night of Bliss South Africa 2016, the monumental FNB Stadium Johannesburg, also known as the Soccer City, is the largest stadium in Africa; with a seating capacity of over 90,000; and situated in Johannesburg, the capital of the Gauteng province and South Africa’s largest city.
The stadium soon filled to its maximum capacity and overflow venues witnessed the press of the highly expectant and teeming crowd of attendees, who had come to attend the event, from all around the world.
Thousands from different works and status of life gathered at the expansive FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, on the set date, the 22nd of January 2016. Hours before the appointed time, (i.e. 6pm) till dawn, thousands poured in, hungry and ready to receive a
unique ministration of God’s Word and Spirit. Each was set for an increase in their understanding of God, ushering them into a new level of glory. Not only was faith imparted at this glorious meeting, it was an unending flow of the miraculous where the demonstration of the character of the Holy Ghost was evident.
While the attendees waited patiently for the glorious program to commence, dark clouds soon gathered over the magnificent arena, and it wasn’t long before it began to rain. Yet amidst the lingering torrential downpour, the highly expectant attendees were not deterred from their jubilant participation in the exhilarating worship, praise and dancing, led by by the exquisitely adorned ChristEmbassy Southern Africa Mass Choir.
It was indeed a grand sight to behold, one that would have no doubt stirred the heavenly angelic hosts to rejoice and celebrate, in honor of the miracle working God of glory, from whom the program attendees sought a divine encounter. And song after song, the crowd with the calves of their lips and their hearts filled with exuberant joy, celebrated in gratitude to God for the event.
Announced by the loud shouts of an overtly excited crowd, the Man of God, gallantly arrived the arena, whivh by that time was inundated with the tangible anointing that characterised his presence at crusades held around the world. And soon after a short worship session in which he led the congregation to lavish deserving worship to a loving God, Pastor Chris, in his characteristically enthusiastic manner, taught the people with great insight, communicating the revelation of God's full plan for the salvation of man with simplicity.
Bringing light regarding the Christian being without blame towards God, he Read from Colossians 1:21-22. The Christian, he taught, is separated and sanctified unto God, consecrated and set-apart in Christ. The Christian is indeed blameless thus making him the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Haleluia!
As the word came forth with power, the time soon came, during that night, to distribute diverse miracles for the thousands of expectant congregants. The Man of God, under a special anointing began to pray for the sick and just as had been the expectation of all present, miracles broke forth everywhere!
Releasing the healing unction, Pastor Chris instructed all who required a healing miracle to place their hands on their bodies where they desired a miracle, as an act of their faith. The Man of God boldly commanded in the Name of the Lord Jesus, telling the spirits responsible for the blindness, lameness, dumbness and every manner of sickness and disease, to leave the bodies of those affected. He instructed all to receive the miracle they desired and declared them free in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Spectacular miracles were wrought, and what seemed like split seconds, the renowed Soccer City was turned into an undeniable Atmosphere of Miracles. Experiencing the moments with resounding shouts of joy, many worshipped with tears,
giving thanks to God for his love and bowels of mercy. For by the outstretched arm of his power, so many had been healed, many gloriously delivered and many more made completely whole. Glory to God!
And all night long, the healing lines filled out with hundreds, and scores of testimonies were shared of how the blind had recieved their sight, the crippled had arisen and begun to walk, and the deaf-mutes had tasted of God’s healing power. Many confined to wheel chairs, and cases given up by medical science had experienced a miraculous turn around. What a phenomenal night of miracles it had been. Glory to God!
The greatest miracle is that of the salvation of a soul, when a man recieves the love that God gave in Christ Jesus, declaring his Lordship and recieving eternal life into his spirit. The crowning glory of the Night of Bliss with Pastor Chris in Johannesburg South Africa; was the large numbers that received salvation following the altar call by the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
All over the main arena and the overflow sections, thousands gladly prayed alongside Pastor Chris, declaring their faith in Chtist Jesus, recieving from him the newness of life. They were awakened them to the communion of the Spirit and to the Fatherhood of God.
And to think that each one that recieved the life of God in that special moment, also got a free copy of the Rhapsody of Realities Devotional Study Bible, special Gift Cards with encoded messages from the Pastor Chris Digital Library, Kingschat Mobile Application, Now that you are born again book, and several other materials to help start them off on their Christian walk. It was indeed a Night of Bliss!