Night of Bliss Ghana 2016 with Pastor Chris

The Night of Bliss Ghana will remain an unforgettable event in history; and not just in the annals of the nation- Ghana, which was priviledged to recieve the unique personality, and also partake of the uncommon anointing on the man of God, Pastor Chris. This destiny-defining event, continues to transcend the boundaries of time to deliver the same anointing; the knowledge, understanding and blessings as were manifest at the meeting, to millions not opportuned to have participated live in the event.

Months, days and moments before the epoch making event, the ardent members of Christ Embassy across Ghana made tenacious preparations, in earnest expectation of the arrival of the Man of God to the Black Star Square (also called the Independence Square), the appointed venue of the Night of Bliss Ghana 2016.

This venue is noted in history as the site for Ghana's Annual Independence Day, hosting numerous parades and all major national public gatherings and national festivals. In addition to populating the renowned Independence Square to its maximum capacity, overflow venues were inevitable, due to the press of the highly expectant crowd of attendees at the event. The 2 designated overflow venues, including the Ohene Djan Sports Stadium and the grounds of the Parliament House, Accra Ghana, were also packed to maximum capacity; over 200,000 people in all partaking of the glories of that memorable crusade.


The Night of Bliss program in Ghana, the first of its kind ever held in the nation by the Man of God, Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome D.Sc., D.D.; witnessed an unprecedented keenness, as thousands of eagerly expectant attendees gathered in the host city Accra; having journeyed from all the provinces of the nation.

The program was billed to commence at 6pm on the 5th of February 2016. However, by the early hours of the set date, from about 3am in the morning, teeming crowds thronged the venue, quickly occupying the seats in large

sections of the arena; and by dawn, already packing out the venue; several hours before the meeting was scheduled to begin. In exhilarating praise to a miracle working God, from whom they sought a divine encounter, the thousands of people in attendance joined the beautifully adorned mass choir; as the latter rendered song after song, from the calves of their lips and their hearts filled with evident joy, in gratitude to God for the event. Indeed the contagious joy reeling through the exuberant crowd, evidently corroborated the scripture that says: ‘…in thy presence is fullness of joy…’.

The Teaching

The Man of God, following a grand entrance into the arena, ushered in an uncommon anointing, stirring faith and hunger for the message he bore, in all that were present. Pastor Chris taught the people with great insight, exuding the deep yet simple revelation of God's full plan for the salvation of man; and bringing light regarding the inherent power of the Christian, over the devil and his deceptions.

Amongst other teachings that night, the man of God also explained that the higher purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the call to fellowship.

An Avalance Of Miracles At The Night Of Bliss Ghana !

At the high point of the faith stirring teaching of the Man of God, Pastor Chris, the time came, during that night, to elicit miracles for the people. Pastor Chris, addressing the congregation with undeniable love and deep compassion, loudly declared thus:

“Jesus is all you need! He’s all you need! You don’t need to call him from afar, he’s standing right where you are!”

And as the people worshipped, miracles broke forth everywhere! The Man of God, under a peculiar divine anointing, instructed all who required a healing miracle to place their hands on their bodies where the miracle should be worked, as an act of their faith. Full of power and of the anointing of Spirit, the Man of God boldly commanded in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that the blindness, lameness, dumbness and every sickness to leave the bodies of those affected. He instructed all to receive the miracle they desired and declared them free in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Spontaneously, mighty miracles were wrought, evidenced by the loud shouts of exccedingly great joy, reverberating all over the arena. The anointing of God had been released upon the expectant congregation, and many who had been afflicted, were made whole.

Several could immediately throng the long healing lines, and many already testing their miracles by doing what they could not do before. Haleluia! What an avalanche of the uncommon miraculous it was, as God’s healing power was demonstrated and diverse testimonies shared by the jubilant recipients.

The lame took steps out of their wheel chairs and their walking aids. Deaf ears popped open. The blind could see. Diverse forms of infirmities were healed, by the powerful anointing present in the arena that glorious night. There were miracles everywhere!!!

Souls Saved In Their Thousands In Response To The Altar Call

The greatest miracle is that of the salvation of a soul, when a man recieves the love that God gave in Christ Jesus, declares his Lordship and recieved eternal life into his spirit. The crowning glory of the epochal Night of Bliss with Pastor Chris in the nation of Ghana, was the large numbers that received salvation following the altar call by the Man of God, Pastor Chris.

With faces drooling tears of inexplicable joy, several thousands in the main arena and the overflow sections, gladly prayed alongside Pastor Chris, declaring their faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and proclaiming Him as the Lord of their lives from that day on. The resplendent glory that rested on each one was proof that God had given them a brand new life. Christ had taken up residence in each heart by His Spirit, awakening them to a divine fellowship and the benefits of enjoying the Fatherhood of God.

And to think that each one that recieved the life of God in that special moment, also got a free copy of the Rhapsody of Realities Devotional Study Bible, special Gift Cards with encoded messages from the Pastor Chris Digital Library, and lots more to help start them off on their christian walk. Indeed, it was a Night of Bliss!


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The Bible says in Romans 10:9 ‘… if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

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The Bible says in Romans 10:9 ‘… if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. To say the prayer of salvation,
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