I want to share something with you today just before we pray. In Romans 12 verse 2, the bible says “and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God”.

He says “be not conformed to this world", because He doesn’t want us to think nor act like the rest of the world. He wants us to be different. That’s why He says “be not to be conformed to this world but be transformed.” Then He tells you how to have that transformation: by the renewing of the mind. This means changing your way of thinking through the word of God. Let the word of God give you a new mind set. Let the word of God control your values, your ideas, your opinions, your choices. There are a lot of people who have their own opinions. They have their own set of values that are not governed by the word of God.

But as God's children, we are new creations in Christ Jesus. We belong in a different kingdom, God’s Kingdom; and the life that He’s given us to live is different from that known by the rest of the world. But if you are carnally minded, you will act and think like the world.

God wants us to be spiritually minded. He wants us to think like Him; like those who are in His kingdomSo He says not to be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. You renew your mind through the word of God. Then only can you think differently and in consonance with how God wants you to think; through His word. If we study the word of God, we will have His way of thinking, His mind set. And we will see things from God’s perspective. That’s what He wants.

I want to pray for you now. And I pray, that God’s Spirit rest upon you in a very special way; that the Hand of God will come upon you. And if you are sick, diseased or afflicted, I pray that whatever the sickness, that pain, that infirmity, that it will depart from your body in the name of the Lord Jesus. I pray for you to be well, to be sound, to be restored to health again and that you become normal and strong in the Name of Lord Jesus. I pray for the little children and babies right now, that the anointing of God’s Spirit will come upon them. Where ever that child is right now, that is suffering from some affliction, I command healing for that body in the Name of Jesus. Thank you Lord.

You can touch that child and proclaim health. Proclaim healing now, because the anointing is on you right now. The Spirit of God is present with you right there now. Touch the chest of that child. I see a child with a hole in the heart and the Lord is healing that child right now. I see a child with cancer in the eye, large growth and I command that cancer to die and pass out of that eye in Jesus name. Yes, be healed. Amen. Praise God. The anointing was just so strong, as I was praying for you. I believe a miracle has taken place. I want you to call on telephone or send us an email; let us know what the Lord has done for you. Our address is on the screen. Write it down so you don't forget it. We would like to hear from you. I'll see you again. Until then, keep living in God’s dream. God bless you


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The Bible says in Romans 10:9 ‘… if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. To say the prayer of salvation,
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