It is no farce nor telltale that no two meetings with the man of God Pastor Chris are ever the same. Many around the world daily bear witness to the reality, that their lives have been permanently altered by God's word, as they partook of the phenomenal teaching ministry of Pastor Chris.

This unanimous testimony, has invariably traversed over 3 decades of the extraordinary ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc DD.

On each occasion and at every meeting, as the man of God expounds the undiluted word, sharing its truths with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power; many have been saved, healed, delivered and metamorphosed to greater realms of glory.

And now, in the final quarter of this year of flourishing, another unique opportunity to experience and reminisce in the integrity of the word is imminent.

Join many in transcendent fellowship with the Pastor Chris at AN EVENING WITH THE WORD!